The Plan for a One World Government and New World Order.
One of the most popular subjects and matters of contention here on ATS, are the New World Order Conspiracies. Some people are convinced that behind
the scenes lays a powerful shadow government and organization dedicated to the proposition of a One World Government that drives and manipulates
political events towards it. While others believe that this is all a myth and fabrication to play upon and manipulate our fears of such a world for
other nefarious reasons. While some, believe neither, that we live in a world of random events, unrelated, and unconnected, that is naturally evolving
in reactionary ways.
So today this April 25th, the anniversary of Earth Day whose ultimate goal is to institute that One World Government, and indeed so many of the
mechanisms of it has been put in place, by the United Nations, a world wide holiday to commemorate that we are all one people, and share this one
world together, it’s time to take a real hard look at the planet we all live on and just what is going on with it, and on it.
Now whether you are a hardened skeptic, patriot, or proponent of One World Government, or a pacifist, environmentalist or statist or nationalist, I
think we can all agree with a couple of things.
One is that our planet is engaged in nonstop warfare and violence, and has been for thousands of years, and two, that many people around the globe are
starving and destitute despite an abundance of resources and technology that makes that unnecessary.
In fact most of us, if not all of us, accept this violence, and deprivation as a part of life and the world, that we can really do nothing about.
So a very interesting question becomes why, do we believe that this violence and deprivation is something we accept and can do nothing about.
To find out the answers, we must travel back, on the roads that brought us here, and as we travel back, we shall discover how All Roads Lead to
In the Beginning
Legend tells us that a great flood had swept the land. Different cultures and different religions tell of this great flood, from the Bible and
Noah’s Ark, to the Babylonians and their Creation Stories, to the Maya and their hieroglyphs.
While we might never know what caused this flood, it is likely safe to assume this flood occurred, whether it was the poles reversing themselves
because of a completion of the Galaxy’s orbit, as many believe will occur again on 2012, or and Ice Age melting and flooding the lands, or a
displeased God unhappy with the people and their ways are all speculations. None of us were there, none of us can really know for sure, because none
of us were there, but it’s likely based on so much archeological and scripture reference that at some point several thousand years ago humanity
suffered this apocalypse and had to start all over again.
Where did it start, it started in Troy.
Located near modern day Constantinople, the city the Roman Emperor Constantine founded to herald in the new age of Christianity, Troy lay very near,
the reputed resting place of Noah’s Ark, Mt. Ararat in Turkey.
Its founders likely were survivors of the great flood, and knew of the wonders of the World before the flood. Legends of Atlantis, a mythical, ancient
and advanced civilization spring to mind. Legends later told of by the Greeks, who would come to play a central role, in how events of the new
civilizations would unfold.
To understand more, we must understand more about three important city-states, Troy, Athens and Sparta.
The Trinity, a Tale of Three Cities
As the temperate and fertile Eastern Mediterranean lands developed into civilization, three cities, and three different philosophies would collide and
converge in an epic struggle for predominance and dominance.
The Trojan Wars of Homer’s Iliad one of humankind’s oldest written stories was born of this struggle.
Troy represented the Gods, the bloodlines of the pre-flood world, the technologies and spirituality saved from those days. The belief that divine
universal forces, that could be called upon and evoked through prayers and offerings, with distinct personalities and powers, could aide and benefit
humankind directly, if they were respected and appeased and obeyed.
Athens would come to represent the Wisdom of Man, the great Philosophies and Philosophers, who would ponder the meaning of life and the universe in
humanistic and not spiritualistic forms. While they paid homage to the same God’s the Trojans did, they were searching for something more, and
different, internally in human terms, to understand the mind, and heart and soul in human ways, and to develop a form and system of conduct based upon
them. One of these was a concept we are all familiar, Democracy, that believe that every free man and woman should have a voice, in how we live and
live with one another and are governed.
Sparta would come to represent courage and warfare, human’s desire to dominate others through force, power, violence and cunning, and strength of
arms. They too would pay homage to the Gods of Troy which they shared with Athens, and they too like the Athenians were looking to carve their place
in the world. To master it and become the Masters of it, through their own decided approaches.
Inevitably these three would clash.
But let us look a moment at how that struggle between these three city-states, mirrors our own internal struggles.
The Trinity a Tale of Being Human
Many would argue inside us exist three different entities, two that we are quite familiar with, Freud would call these the Id and the Ego, and the
Chinese philosophers the Ying and the Yang.
They represent the conscious hemispheres of the human mind. The left side of the brain, the right side of the brain, each an almost exact duplicate of
the other, divided down the middle and joined together.
The Left Side of the Brain = Sparta
It is full of desires, impetuousness, and courage and cunning; it tempts us constantly with pleasures and vanities, and encourages us to pursue them,
by any and all means.
The Right Side of the Brain = Athens
It is contemplative, and considered, cautions and intro and retrospective, it observes and weighs, and quantifies and qualifies, it battles the Left
Brain’s impulses, trying to apply its own yardstick to when it is safe and wise and right to pursue or not pursue the things the Left Brain desires.
The Higher Subconscious Self = God, Universal Knowledge and Power = Troy
The Id, Ego and Super Ego according to Freud
The Ying and the Yang from the Tao
No matter what religion you are or aren’t, whether you are even atheist, or agnostic, we all have questions, why we are here, who we are, the real
purpose of our existence, and a inherent suspicion that in the grand scheme of things that there is more to our lives in our sentient and corporal,
temporal states than meets the eye. Our Higher Subconscious Self is neither as concerned nor preoccupied with the physical things and esthetics that
our Left Brain and Right Brain are, it thinks in higher spiritual terms, in universal terms, in terms of what is beyond the veil of this life, and our
brief time here. Troy was dedicated to these propositions understanding the Universe through the Gods and their powers and the path to the higher
They saw themselves above the Athenians and the Spartans, for this reason, while the Spartans and Athenians each believed that there way was the
correct way.
The Spartans would ask, what do you want, and then go out and get it, by taking it.
The Athenians would ask, who are you, and as they defined it, try to create it.
The Trojans would ask, what am I, and look to the heavens and the earth and the Gods to decipher it.
Eventually Sparta and Athens would ally themselves to battle the Trojans. A battle that history tells us they won after many years and much blood
But did they win.
Now we must begin to look at phonetics, to sounds, and the powerful vibrations that they create when uttered and thought, to begin understanding more.
[edit on 25/4/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]